Securing your rental home will help you stay safe and allow you to leave your home every morning knowing your belongings are safe.
It is a landlord’s responsibility to introduce a set of effective measures that will protect their renters from unlawful entries, robberies, and other events that might compromise their safety.
Unfortunately, the world can be dangerous, and the safety measures implemented by landlords may not be enough.
As a renter, taking precautionary measures is always a good idea whether you’re moving into a home alone or with other people. Therefore, we have compiled several actions you can do after moving in to stay safe on your rental property.
6 Tips to Stay Safe On Your Rental Property in Malaysia
1. Explore Home Security Systems For Rentals
While you won’t be able to install a wired security system (it’s your landlord’s responsibility to do so), you can opt for other alarm options to stay safe in your rental.
An example is a door stop alarm. This low-cost but effective method prevents break-ins, and if someone is determined enough to get through your locks and open your door, the alarm will alert you to their presence.
2. Install Window Alarms
Sometimes simple locks are not enough to give you the peace of mind you need. Therefore, you should invest in high-tech security features like window alarms.
These alarms are easy to install and remove and affordable enough to place on every window. It can act as both a deterrent and an alert system; an intruder could be scared away by the noise alone.
3. Invest In Portable Lighting
If you are living in a ground-floor unit, motion sensor floodlights can light up dark areas and deter intruders from entering the property. Moreover, you can simply remove these lights and take them with you when you move.
4. Secure The Doors
If your exterior doors are not secure, it leaves you vulnerable to intruders and burglars. Ensure the locks on the doors work and that they close properly.
When you move in, try asking your landlord to replace all door locks leading to the outside. This is because you never know if the previous tenant or anyone else has copies of the keys to the property.
You may also want to request a deadbolt or chain lock as well if there isn’t one in place already. While you might have to bear the installation costs if your landlord will not do it themselves, it’s a small price to pay to know exactly who can enter your living space.
5. Install A Streaming Camera
Live streaming cameras are not just for online broadcasting; renters can use them for security purposes as well.
A streaming camera lets the user see what is going on in their rental home through an app on their phone. It also records any instances of movement for the user to look back on later.
While streaming cameras can be pricey, they are incredibly useful for keeping track of your home when you are away. And if something happens, you will have easily accessible footage of the incident right on your phone.
6. Out For The Night? Pretend Someone’s Home
A dark home is a much easier target for a thief than one where there appears to be activity going on. If you know you’ll be out for a while, you can install a simple mechanical outlet timer.
They can turn on many household appliances at automated times, such as your lights and television. It is a simple way to pretend that someone is home.
However, make sure to keep the blinds closed in case the potential intruder tries to get a better look.
Read More: How Does Room Renting Affect Credit Score in Malaysia?
Protecting Tenant Safety as a Landlord
Landlords must use reasonable care to safeguard their tenants and could be in breach of contract if they fail to do so. But, legal matters aside, providing good security benefits a landlord as well.
For example, increasing your property’s protection also helps you attract future tenants, increase rental value and reduce the risk of vandalism and theft.
To help you maintain a good relationship with your tenant, here are five rental property safety tips to keep your properties secure.
1. Hire A Property Manager
Suppose your property is left vacant, or you want reassurance knowing that your tenants are safe and maintaining the upkeep of your property. In that case, it is best to hire a property manager.
A property manager has the expertise to help with a wide range of issues such as maintenance, dealing with complaints and maintaining the property’s security.
You can also have a property manager visit your building while it is vacant, to dissuade any thieves as they can see that people are actively monitoring and visiting the property.
2. Document Everything
For your tenants to stay safe on your property, it is recommended to keep a record of everything your property contains.
It makes it much easier to settle insurance claims as well as any disputes with tenants regarding damages.
Once you have documented everything, keep the documents somewhere secure and not in the rental property itself, where it can be manipulated.
3. Conduct Safety Checks
Rental properties need to adhere to the necessary safety inspections, including an annual gas and regular portable appliance safety check.
It is also wise to check fire and carbon monoxide alarms to ensure they are all working as they should.
4. Have The Right Landlord Insurance
An essential way to keep your property safe and reduce the risk of unforeseen costs is to have the right landlord insurance policy that covers your needs.
The appropriate insurance should protect you and your property from loss or damage caused by insured events and loss of rental income.
5. Advise All Tenants To Purchase Renters Insurance
Many tenants are unaware they are not covered under your insurance policy. Landlords should advise all tenants to purchase renters insurance so their belongings are protected during a fire, flood, or other disasters.
Read More: How Credit Checking Helps Landlords Avoid Bad Tenants
Stay Safe With Rumah-i
With the help of a trusted rental services company, you can secure your rental property and relax knowing it’s in good hands.
Rumah-i is a prominent rental services company in Malaysia. Our property management package includes professional services to keep your tenants stay safe and your property secure.
Examples include home security features such as keyless doors and CCTVs, property maintenance and management and more.
Contact us today to find out how we can help you protect your rental property and also increase your rental property profits.